Wednesday 8 February 2012


I would just like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has been kind enough to sponsor me.  I really really appreciated it!!

If you would like to sponsor me then please visit my Virgin Money Giving Page at

or see below on other ways to sponsor. 

No matter how big or small, all will be greatly received.

Thank you :) xx

Off to the library!

So yesterday I ventured to the local library (which doesn't happen often) to find address so I can get my letter out to charitable trusts to hopefully receive some more sponsorship. 
I was very lucky in that my step mum, Anthea, came along to help me, which I was very grateful for!  All in all we were there for about three hours!  Another trip will have to be made soon because we only got to 'M' in the charitable trusts directory.

So things seem to be coming together now as I have the letters written and nearly ready to post... Lets hope I get some positive feed back :) 
