Wednesday 24 October 2012

Week 7

Written on 23/10/2012

An update on the last two half weeks.  Sorry I have been so rubbish at writing and posting blogs, I didn’t even realise how long it had been since my last post, but time is flying by here! Quicker than I even could have imagined.  Before I know it I’ll be back on the plane to the UK wishing I could do it all over again. 
Anywho the last 3 weeks have been pretty busy, with both the mamas and the kids keeping us on our toes.  Coffee Bay was lovely.  We spent most of it on the beach, swimming in the Indian Ocean and surfing.  I’m pretty much a pro surfer it has to be said ;) Last Saturday a church came to Bethany and organised a party for the children, they brought two massive bouncy castles, loads of food and cakes and one of those things you hit with a stick and all the sweets fall out (I know what it’s called but I have no idea how to spell it, so I’m saving myself the embarrassment! haha).  But the kids had the time of their lives, I’ve never seen so many beaming faces all at one time.  Some had never seen a bouncy castle before so it was amusing and adorable to watch them figure out why there was suddenly a big rest castle in their back garden!  After much messing around and jumping we stopped for lunch and songs.  There’s something about African gospel singing that I love, epically a room full of 50 children singing.  All in all it was such a fun day and the sun was shining (stupidly forgot to put sun cream on again, so my shoulders looked like two lobsters!).
Over the last 3 weeks I feel like I’ve bonded with the children lot more.  I love the way they all run up to me and ask for hugs and high-fives.  I love that some of them call me Mama.   I love getting them ready for bed and giving them a kiss goodnight.  I love that even though they’ve been through so much they are still able to show love and compassion.  I love that I am able to act like a child again and mess around all day with them.  I even love it when we’re on the school run and the children scream ‘LAKE’ at the top of their voices when we pass by it, even though we do everyday (it never gets old for them!)
Oh, some very exciting news, Aphililie took her first few steps today!!  I’ve been practicing with her for the past month or so and today she did it.  Although she ended up falling over many times trying, it was amazing to watch.  But the best thing to see was the expression on her face when she did it.  A moment I won’t be forgetting any time soon J 
The girls and I also went for out first proper Braai.  I have never seen so much meat in my life, it was awesome.  Don’t get wrong, I love a BBQ but there’s something about a Braai that is so much better!!
Other than that things have been pretty much routine around here.  Missing everyone at home a lot!!Xxx


Written on 05/10/2012

I have now been in South Africa for over a month now.  Time has flown by.  It feels like yesterday I was standing in the airport with tears rolling down my face saying goodbye to my family and friends.  However I am totally settled in at Bethany Home now and it’s home.  Although the days can be long and very tiring, the children make it all worth it.  I have also been receiving letters from home, which has been so lovely.  It always makes my day to get a letter and my wall is filling up were I’m sticking them up.  If you want, please write to me, I would love to hear from anyone, as Internet is expensive so contact with home is minimal.  My address is:
Bethany Home, PO Box 25, Vulindlela Heights, Mthatha 5143, Eastern Cape, SOUTH AFRICA.
I mainly work in the nursery with the babies (0-18 months). I know you’re not meant to have favourites but I do have a ‘Bethany Baby’ who is coming home with me (SURPRISE Mum!!!). However I have grown attached to them all and it’s amazing to watch them grow and develop so quickly.  Yumkela started walking last week after much practicing with him, I am now struggling to keep up with him and he finds it hilarious to run away and hide in the nurse’s room.  Aphililie is also very close to walking, I found some walking frames to help her get used to using her legs.  Plus the kids in the day room love them, they play ‘bumper cars’ in them.
Tuesday was another hospital visit with the two year old who had been suffering from seizures.  We went to collect the results from his CT scan.  It was the first time I had done a hospital visit alone.  However there was a strike taking place so it was mayhem.  When we were sitting in the waiting in the room we heard singing from down the corridor getting louder and louder.  Before we knew it, the room was filled with over 500 hospital workers chanting, singing and dancing in cause of their strike.  I think all strikes should be like this because it was amazing, if I didn’t have a sleeping baby in my arms I would have probably joined!!  Haha, the thought of me trying to African dance…
Apart from the odd job the last two weeks have been pretty quite and routine.  However last night we went out for pizza with some other local volunteers from Germany.  One boy went to the toilet, when he came back to the table his jaw was dislocated.  For a moment everyone just stared at him and was stunned.  I broke the silence by saying “ermm I think he needs to go to the hospital!”  After many phone calls he was taken to a private hospital where they quickly put it back in place.  Apparently the crunching noise was something else.  On the bright side the pizza was to die for and as it was ‘all you can eat’, I think I over did it a bit.
We are off to Coffee Bay today for the weekend for a well-deserved break.  It will be nice to just lye on the beach and have a cocktail.  I think I might try some surfing and cliff jumping (I’ve got to have some sort of adrenaline rush!).  We’re staying in Coffee Shack backpackers, which is located right on the beach and backed by mountains and cliffs.
I think that’s about it for now, sorry it’s not the most exciting blog!! Xxx