Monday 18 March 2013

Where is the time going?!

When I started out this year I vowed to myself I would write a blog REGULARLY to ensure I could keep everyone at home updated.  I’ve just been so busy around Bethany I rarely get a chance to sit and write one… or I’m just lazy, I’ll let you decide that one…

So the start of 2013 has been a good one for Bethany Home.  The house nurse ran a hygiene workshop for all the mothers to improve standards and so far the improvements are showing.  Bethany has been lucky enough to receive very generous financial donations which is a blessing as at the end of 2012 we received the bad news at the that the government were significantly decreasing their funding towards care homes across South Africa.  Many of our children have been discharged to either other more suitable care homes or in the most ideal cases, back to their families.  Although it’s incredibly sad to see them go – many tears have been shed – knowing the move will benefit them and their needs is the saving grace.  Also it means there are fewer children in Bethany (currently 58 but it can change on a weekly basis) and resources are not so stretched.  Especially food… if there is one thing I’ve learnt, it’s that children can EAT.

Summer arrived slightly later than scheduled in Mthatha!  So although we are currently meant to be in Autumn, the heat is incredible and the African sun is really as hot as they say!  The girls are I take full advantage of the weather and ensure that each child gets to go out on regular walks around the compound.  They can’t get enough of them, they love being in the outdoors and away from Bethany, it gives them a chance to run free and momentarily forget that they live in a children’s home and the fact that they often have to fight amongst one an other for attention.  That’s what is great about being a volunteer, our job is to fill in the gaps which often the mothers are too busy – or lazy – to do.  Loving each and every child unconditionally brings me such joy.  Although at times I ask myself “Am I doing enough? What else could I do?”  But I believe Bethany Home would be a very different place without the volunteers and I know each child loves me unconditionally, even if I don’t get it right all the time!

The girls and I are getting more involved in the pre-school and have helped develop ‘weekly themes’ which range from fruit and veg to numbers and simple sums.  Our job is to take children out in small groups and make A3 sized posters with them and do lots of colouring and painting.  We talk about the item we are drawing – I say ‘talking’, my limited Xhosa and their limited English, it can be a struggle! – I just get them to repeat the name of the item and well done for colouring so beautifully.  I also spend a lot of my time in the Nursery and Day Room.  Communication is a lot easier there, they cry when they are hungry/ dirty and smile when they are happy… simples.  But it’s great to play with all the little babies and toddlers.  Danielle’s partners kindly brought the Day Room a stereo that we play loads of music and dance.  African people are born with rhythm, I know it sounds ridiculous but believe me its true.  My children as young as 18 months already know how to move their bodies in time with the music, it is incredible!  But I most certainly do the best gangnam style dance, really just asks anyone on Long Street in Cape Town!

Since arriving in South Africa my immune system seems to have escaped me and having a holiday of its own.  Unfortunately last month I developed acute bronchitis and sinusitis and had to be transferred and admitted into a Durban hospital because specialist care is lacking in Mthatha.  It was a scary time and one where I just wanted my family around me to look after me and cheer me up, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger hey? I don’t think my chest would agree with that last bit, if so much as look at a hill and I’m puffing on my inhaler!!

So I’m over half way through my year and I’ve got so much to look forward too, but I also realise how little time I have left.  It scares me and makes me sad but I know I have to make every minute count from now on to ensure I get the best out of this incredible experience I’m lucky enough to be doing.  Within a matter of weeks my Dad and Stepmother will be here to whisk me away to a luxury safari lodge and visit Bethany! Beginning of May my Mum and sister will arrive where we will head for Chinsta to spend time on the beach then two nights in a game reserve, also ensuring time to spend in Bethany.  Karin will be staying 5 days longer to help around Bethany and see the work I do, then we will head to Coffee Bay for 2 days so I can spend some quality time with my sis!!!  Going 8 months without seeing my family has been tough but it’s not long now.  Then in June one of my bestest buddies is coming for 2 weeks!!! Emma Robertson… I cannot wait.  These two weeks we will hit the road and travel around SA and do lots of crazy things.

So I think that is about is from this side of the world.  Post has hit a bit of a dry spell so please send letters, they really do brighten my day: Bethany Home, PO Box 25, Vulindlela Heights, Mthatha 5143, South Africa.

Much love to you all and thanks for being patient with me updating my blog!!xxx