Thursday 23 August 2012

Only one week to go now!

Wow! It has all come around so quickly! 10 months ago I was on selection and now it's only 7 days till I leave the country for a year.
So this time next week I will have been on the plane for about 2 hours, with about another 11 hours till I arrive in Johannesburg.  Upon arrival in Johannesburg we will get straight into orientation/ training.  Not sure what this will involve, but the aim is to settle into our new country and get used to the culture that will become our home for a year.
As many may know, I am working in a children's home called Bethany. Bethany Home is a place of safety for abandoned, abused and neglected children from new-born to 6 years of age.  The home is situated in Umtata (Mthatha) in the Eastern Cape.  This cape is the poorest within South Africa.
From doing my own research, the home looks fantastics but will of course be challenging in many different ways.  Although nervous, I am very excited to get started in the home and getting to know the children.
Leading up to my departure, I have been saying my goodbyes to everyone, which is getting emotional but knowing I have an amazing adventure ahead of me is getting me though.

Thank you to everyone who have helped get me to this point!!

Sally xxx

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