Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!!

Hi guys, hope you all had a great christmas and a happy new year.
I've got loads planned for fundraising this new year and I'm hoping all of you will help and get involved.
Family and friends have been really generous already and I've managed to get £1,500 which is 30% of my total target of £5000.

I have given out money tins to family and friends to collect any loose change they have lying around which I'm hoping will be a great help towards my fund.
I am also planning to do a skydive in April!! I must be mad but will be great.  It will also give me a chance to raise awareness of my trip and the reason I am going away to help developing communities.

Other plans I have are doing cake sales at my school, bag packing at a supermarket, sending letters to charitable trusts, and other little events!
I'll also be setting up a Virgin Money Giving Page so you can donate money if you wish!

Thanks for taking time to read this and hope you all have a great new year!!

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