Tuesday 3 January 2012

How to donate

Hey everyone, 
If you want to donate any money towards my year aboard then you can do it in a few ways.
You can sponsor me through my Virgin Money Giving Page, which is quick and really easy! It is also very safe!  The web address is:

Or you can send me a cheque personally to my address which is:
Sally Stone
16 Norman Road, 
If you do it this way, please make the cheque out to 'Project Trust'

Or if you wish to send your cheque straight to Project Trust themselves then the address is:
The Hebridean Centre,
Isle of Coll,
PA78 6TE
HOWEVER if you do it this way, PLEASE make sure you put my name (Sally Stone) on the back of the cheque so they can identify who the money is for! 

However big or small your donation is, it will be greatly appreciated by myself and more importantly the people who the money will be helping in Malaysia.

Thank you very much,

Sally x

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