Sunday 11 August 2013

60 Things I Will Miss About Africa...

1.      My children

2.      Peoples energy

3.      Beautiful friendly faces

4.      Having my own little flat

5.      Sun all year around

6.      Coffee Bay

7.      Travelling

8.      Mama Pondo

9.      Hospital visits

10.  Everyone’s mutual love for Nelson Mandela

11.  Peoples positivity in every situation

12.  Nandos

13.  Nightshifts

14.  The beautiful Transki

15.  My African family

16.  Living with 70 children

17.  Being called Mama

18.  Loving each child like they are my own

19.  Knowing they love me no matter what

20.  Trying to understand Xhosa

21.  Day trips with the kids

22.  Biltong

23.  Castle Lite Beer

24.  Watching my children grow

25.  Not seeing Qhawe take her first steps L

26.  Sundowners

27.  Sending news home

28.  The African night sky

29.  Rose & Benie

30.  Learning a new culture and way of life

31.  The verity South Africa has to offer

32.  The incredible people I’ve met travelling

33.  Flat parties

34.  Cape Town

35.  South Africa Project Trust 12/13 Country Group

36.  Driving a battered Avanva (I’ve learnt to love her though!)

37.  My children singing and dancing

38.  Putting the kids to bed and goodnight kisses

39.  Bathing the babies

40.  Feeding times

41.  Being proposed to on a regular basis by African men

42.  My braids!! (With they were acceptable for white people in the UK!)

43.  Backpackers

44.  African music

45.  African dancing

46.  African parties!

47.  Being a Project Trust volunteer

48.  The ‘Rainbow Nation’

49.  Braaing

50.  2 minute noodles

51.  Being a part of something as incredible as Bethany

52.  Learning something new about myself everyday

53.  Debonaries pizza nights

54.  Long Life UHT milk (NAAATT – give me some fresh milk in my face!)

55.  Spoiling my kids

56.  Walks around the compounds with my kiddies “VUNA WALKIE!”

57.  Movie nights with the kids

58.  South Africa

59.  Mthatha

60.  MY HOME <3

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