Sunday 11 August 2013

The End of the Road

So my time at Bethany Home has come to an end.  I can’t quite believe it; these last 12 months have flown by!  But without a shadow of doubt, this year has been the most incredible, humbling and best year of my life!  I’ve learnt more about myself and grown in so many ways.  It hasn’t always been easy, I had to face some huge challenges, which really tested my strength; but then again I've made some of the best memories that will stay with me forever!  Each and every child I have met this year has touched my heart in such a positive way; their strength, courage and beauty never ceases to amaze me.  They show me unconditional love and trust even though they have been let down by adults in their past.  I can’t begin to describe how much I will miss all my umhle abantwana (beautiful children)! Watching them grow and develop everyday is a once in a lifetime.  I’m proud to say that I spent a year of my life in Africa and I can safely say, everyone at Bethany have given me more than I could have ever given them.  Bethany Home Place of Safely will always have a very special place in my heart and there is no doubt that I will be back again!!
Even though it’s incredibly sad to leave and I would give an arm and a leg to stay, I know that my time is finished and I have to let the next volunteers have the same incredible experiences.  I wish them all the best of luck and please look after all my children.  They deserve all the love in the world and more!!

I was reading a poem the other day and this verse really describes my feelings for Africa:
I am an African,
Not because I live on its soil,
But because my soul is at home in Africa
I am an African,
For her blue skies take my breath away,
And my hope for the future is bright,
I am an African,
For her people greet me as family,
And teach me the meaning of community,
I am an African,
For her wilderness quenches my spirit,
And brings me closer to the source of life.


  1. thank you for sharing your incredible journey. Love you always. Mummy x x x x

  2. Said with utter pride and a bit of a lump in my throat, "Thank you so much for giving all your readers such an amazing insight into your time in Africa, and all that you and the children have done to enrich each of your lives!" Daddy xxxxx

  3. Sally, you are awesome!
    Very proud of your achievements this year and so looking forward to seeing you and hearing your stories. The children will miss you loads but I think you have made a massive difference by sharing your love with them.
    Safe journey home and can't wait to see you at the weekend. (A Full english will await you!)xxx

  4. Ally (Kate's Mum) Dow15 August 2013 at 20:20

    What a fab bog Sally, I have enjoyed reading every instalment, and I can see why you and Kate Jell so Well, you are very much alike and I feel I know you through your writing, it's honest and good and funny at times, and it makes me cry too. I am sure when I get to meet you,(and i'm sure I will) that you will fit right in with us, if Kate has picked you as a friend she's a bloody good judge of character chick :) Enjoy all the catch up's with family and friends. Good Luck with Uni prep. Ally Dow x (Kate's Mum) Love the Poem. :) x

    1. Hi Ally,
      Sorry for the late reply.
      Thank you for reading my blog, really appreciate it, i've loved writing it!
      Kate and I are good friends and we got on very well, I'm looking forward to debriefing with everyone!
      I'm sure I'll be coming to visit Kate in the future so will meet you then.
      Hope you're enjoying having Kate back,
      Sally x
