Saturday 8 September 2012

Our first day off

So today was our first day off which was lovely.  We met up with the girls from Thembalihle and decided to explore Umtata a little more.  I have to say I have settled into Umtata life a lot quicker than I expected, although I bet in a few weeks I will be crying about something or other!
I woke up feeling quick sick today, hoping it would pass I still went out.  We discovered a little café off the beaten track called, Café Lang, it is amazing.  The views are spectacular and the surrounds are so quite, a far cry from the centre of Umtata.  It gave the 5 of us a chance to unwind and recover from ‘cabin fever’, which we are all experiencing from living in the children’s home.  It was the first time since I arrived on my ‘Gap Yah’ that I have had the chance to put my feet up and take everything in… I felt so relaxed, THEN I JUST CHUNDERED EVERYWARRRRRRRRRRRR!!! No really, I did.  I ran to the toilet and ‘spewed’ (as Danni would say).  I never get sick! When I emerged from the toilet, the cleaner was standing opposite me and giving me a look of disgust.  I could do nothing but say sorry and run away!  After these series of unfortunate events, being the genius I am, I thought it would be a good idea to go and eat the chocolate cake I had ordered.  Although it just ended with the same result.  We moved along from the café because I’m sure the cleaner was about to kick me out anyway.
The rest of the day we did some food shopping then came back to Bethany to relax.  Although I am still feeling awful and have a temperature, today has been a good day.  It has shown me that it is possible to relax in Umtata, something that I was quite worried about before.
p.s. my sleeping bag has been found and I know have everything returned to me :D 


  1. I can't believe you chundered everywhere......that's really very funny. All four of us are sitting in the lounge reading your blog.....they are all hilarious!! Love you x x x

  2. Hi Sally, we are loving your blog! Thinking of you and hoping all continues really well for you. Love from Virginia, Kevin and Emma xxx
