Thursday 27 September 2012

Yet Another Hospital Trip

Written on 25/09/2012

So today was yet another hospital trip, however this time we were not taking the children.  It was Danni and I who needed medical attention.  Yesterday during the day I started to feel really run down and tired, so I asked if I could rest for the afternoon so I would be better for work the next day.  After sleeping for 6 hours from 10 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon, I woke up feeling like I was on deaths doorstep (ok a little exaggerated but I felt so rough!).  Danni has also started to complain of pain in her neck, where a lump had appeared.  Hoping we would both feel better, we watched a film under our duvets and had an early night.  Us two invalids decided to top and tail in my room to save Lisa catching anything.

When I woke up I could barely move, it felt like someone had got a razor blade and started hacking at my throat and chest.  Bethany Home’s nurse came to see me; her husband was a doctor at the local private clinic, so when we arrived we got to skip the whole queue.  If looks could kill from the other patients waiting… they must have thought I was getting special treatment for being white.  I genuinely started to feel really guilty but I had no energy to even smile at them.  When I walked into the doctors room the first thing he said to me was “oh usisi (sister) you terrible.”  Thanks mate, not like I needed reminding how awful I looked, I did pretty much go in my PJs.  After an examination I was told I have a chest infection, but if I left it untreated any longer it could turn to pneumonia… awesome.  Danni was also examined and turns out she has mumps, what a pair we are ay!  I was ordered to go to see the nurse for an injection – this point I panicked, why an earth did I need an injection?! – but apparently it was the start of my antibiotic treatment.  I waited behind a little curtains for the nurse to arrive, when she walked in, she was holding what may have been the biggest needle I have ever seen.  My face must have been a picture because she started laughing at me.  I was already pale, but pretty sure I went even paler.  But I sucked it up like a man and took my arm out my sleeve.  At this point the nurse looked confused and pointed at her bum.  Momentarily I looked as confused as her, then realised she meant most people have the injection in their bum… There was no way I was getting an injection in my bum!!  I proceeded to have it in my arm (which was the worst pain I have ever experienced from an injection, I’m usually ok when I comes to these kind of things but I was nearly in tears).  She then handed me a cocktail of pills that I have to take.  All in all I have to take 17 tablets a day, and Danni 16 a day.  (We could be mistaken for drug dealers I swear!) So between us that’s 33 tablets in one day!! I feel sorry for Lisa, we’re going to be climbing the walls by the end of the treatment.  However it’s not all bad, Lisa has been great to us.  Like our Mummy who is going to nurse us back to health.  I get made endless amounts of tea and I now have an excuse not to get up for my 5:30am shift tomorrow… I’M GUTTED…

So the next 5 days till be spent lying in bed sleeping, popping pills every few hours and pretty much doing nothing.  As lovely as it might sound, I would much rather be working and not coughing up mucus every 10 minutes.  Safe to say I didn’t expect to be this ill within the first month.  Lets hope this will be it for a while.


  1. Oh poor you Sals, hope you get better very quickly. Btw, all the best nurses are great at giving injections but a complete wus when it comes to receiving them!! xx

  2. Salamander!!! Thinking of you and hoping you are on the road to recovery very soon. Next time have the injection in your bum - loads less painful as most people (not including you obviously) have more flesh down there!! LY x x x
